外资(欧美) 50-150人 检测,认证
外资(欧美) 50-150人 检测,认证
Eurofins is a leading international group of laboratories providing an unparalleled range of analysis, testing and support services to the pharmaceutical, food, environmental and consumer products industries and to governments. We were founded in Nantes, France, headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. Eurofins is publicly traded on the Paris stock market since 1997. Currently, we have over 375 labs across 41 countries, with more than 30,000 employees worldwide to service our customers. As an internationally accredited testing lab, with proficient & economical local services, Eurofins is committed to help our customers improve product quality, and achieve brand reliability to secure a competitive edge in the industry.Eurofins offers a portfolio of over 130,000 analytical methods. website: http://www.eurofins.cn/ http://www.eurofins.com/ 欧陆集团是国际著名的检测认证机构,在食品、药品、环境、消费品等诸多产品领域提供超过130,000 种专业的分析检测认证和技术支持服务。欧陆创建于法国南特,总部设于比利时的布鲁塞尔,于1997年在法国巴黎上市,是国际检测认证行业最早上市的四大公司之一。目前,欧陆集团的全球网络遍布41个国家,拥有超过375个实验室,30000名员工。 网址(中国):http://www.eurofins.cn/ http://www.eurofins.com/ 如果您能成为我们的员工,我们将为您提供: - 优良的工作条件和环境 - 优厚的薪酬和福利待遇 - 每年10-15天的带薪假期 - 极具灵活性的个人职业发展空间 - 稳定性高的行业 加入欧陆,必将成为您正确的职业选择! .